Gen Ed faculty discuss the impact of COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic touches us all, Gen Ed faculty bring their expertise and distinctive perspectives to the challenges we face:


Many fall 2020 Gen Ed courses explore COVID-19 and other pandemics:

  • Gen Ed 1001: Stories from the End of the World
  • Gen Ed 1038: Sleep
  • Gen Ed 1078: Disease, Illness, and Health through Literature
  • Gen Ed 1079: Why Is There No Cure for Health?
  • Gen Ed 1092: American Society and Public Policy
  • Gen Ed 1093: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Cares? Reimagining Global Health
  • Gen Ed 1148: Moctezuma’s Mexico, Then and Now: The Past, the Present and Pandemics in North America
  • Gen Ed 1170: Confronting COVID-19: Science, History, Policy
  • Gen Ed 1171: Justice: Ethics in an Age of Pandemic and Racial Reckoning

In spring 2020, COVID-19 became a focus of Daniel Lieberman’s Gen Ed 1027: Human Evolution and Human Health.  As she has in the past with other pressing global health issues, Sue Goldie incorporated the COVID-19 pandemic into Gen Ed 1063: World Health: Challenges and Opportunities.

