Year: 2020

Gen Ed faculty create virtual community

Gen Ed faculty were featured in a Harvard Gazette article on how professors are adapting their courses to create virtual community. Daniel Carpenter, teaching Gen Ed 1032. Res Publica: A History of Representative Government, will be hosting “Hangouts in the Republic” where students will meet informally to discuss course materials and themes. In Gen Ed 1051. Reclaiming Argument: Logic as…

Gen Ed in Fall 2020

In light of the FAS announcement about Fall 2020, the Gen Ed office will be offering daily drop-in office hours for students through the rest of the summer.  For more information, see Fall 2020….

Gen Ed faculty named Radcliffe fellows

Two Gen Ed faculty members will be part of the 2020-21 fellowship class at the Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study. Robert Reid-Pharr will continue his work on a biography of James Baldwin. Christina Davis’s project explores how membership in international organizations transforms international cooperation….

Gen Ed faculty discuss the impact of COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic touches us all, Gen Ed faculty bring their expertise and distinctive perspectives to the challenges we face: Classes Many fall 2020 Gen Ed courses explore COVID-19 and other pandemics: In spring 2020, COVID-19 became a focus of Daniel Lieberman’s Gen Ed 1027: Human Evolution and Human Health.  As she has in the past with other…

Gen Ed faculty model shift to remote learning

As Harvard shifts to remote learning, Gen Ed faculty are working diligently and thinking creatively to provide continuity for students now spread across the world. Matt Saunders has transformed Gen Ed 1114: Painting’s Doubt to a remote class by shipping art supplies to students and using breakout Zoom sessions to mimic the collaborative environment of the studio.  Harvard Magazine featured William C. Kirby…

Virtual museum of Black radicalism created by Gen Ed students

Students in Robert Reid-Pharr’s Gen Ed 1016: Black Radicalism created a virtual museum that curates materials drawn from Harvard archives to examine the history currents of Black radical thought and action.  Topics include Black student protest at Harvard, Black female radicalism, the filmmaker James E. Hinton, and the Black Panther Party….

Staff Working Remotely

The FAS has recommended that all staff work remotely until further notice. Gen Ed staff will be available to meet via Zoom or answer questions over email and phone as usual. We look forward to assisting you!…