Stop by Gen Ed 1080’s capstone event of the semester! Students will unveil their final projects, perform original music, and interact with one another around our collective love of all things music and engineering. The event takes place on Wednesday, December 11 from 9:00-12:00 in the Lower Level 2 atrium space of the SEC….
2025 Gen Ed student prize submissions due March 24th
The Program in General Education has established the General Education Prize to inspire Harvard College students to reflect on the transformational nature of their Gen Ed learning experiences. Up to five $500 prizes will be awarded annually. Submissions are due on Monday, March 24th. Learn more or apply….
The Harvard Gazette on Gen Ed 1200: Justice
This fall marks the return of Gen Ed 1200: Justice: Ethical Reasoning in Polarized Times. Taught by Professor Michael Sandel, this popular course features guided student debate of some of society’s most contested issues, informed by study of classic theories on moral decision-making. Students describe how it has shaped their perspectives and stimulated respectful debate…
Fall Gen Ed Advising Office Hours
Do you have questions about the Gen Ed requirement or fall Gen Ed course selection? The Program in General Education will be offering drop-in advising hours for fall registration at the following three times: Friday, August 16: 10:00-11:30am (Zoom)Monday, August 19: 9:30-11:00am (Zoom)Thursday, August 29: 2:00-4:00pm (in-person; 3rd floor of 1414 Mass. Ave) Outside of these…
From the Harvard Gazette: This course changed how I see the world
In her piece in the Harvard Gazette, Dylan Goodman ’25 shares how her Gen Ed course, Vision and Justice: The Art of Race and American Citizenship, fundamentally altered her worldview and her perspective as a photographer. A selection of her classmates from across years, concentrations, and walks of life also voice their reflections on how…
Harvard Magazine Spotlight on Gen Ed 1188
The May-June issue of Harvard Magazine includes a feature on Gen Ed 1188: Rise of the Machines? Understanding and Using Generative AI. Taught for the first time this spring by Chris Stubbs and Logan McCarty, the course employs Gen Ed’s signature interdisciplinary approach to examine the world of AI from all different angles. Gen Ed 1188 teaches students the mechanics of…
Winners of the 2024 General Education Prize
Congratulations to the following students for their exceptional reflections on the transformational nature of their Gen Ed learning experiences: Their achievements have been recognized in the Harvard Gazette and showcased on the Harvard College instagram. Learn more about the General Education Prize. …
Gen Ed student prize submissions due March 18th
The Program in General Education has established the General Education Prize to inspire Harvard College students to reflect on the transformational nature of their Gen Ed learning experiences. Up to five $500 prizes will be awarded annually. Submissions are due on Monday, March 18th. Learn more or apply….
Students in Gen Ed 1131: Loss collect resources for difficult times
Students in Gen Ed 1131: Loss, taught by Kathleen Coleman, have curated a collection of material to help provide comfort in times of loss. Resources include music, poetry, art, and film and explore themes of bereavement; loss of home; exile; amputation; various forms of “ambiguous loss”; and anticipated loss….