Category: Announcements

Gen Ed 1080 Fest

Stop by Gen Ed 1080’s capstone event of the semester! Students will unveil their final projects, perform original music, and interact with one another around our collective love of all things music and engineering. The event takes place on Wednesday, December 11 from 9:00-12:00 in the Lower Level 2 atrium space of the SEC….

The Harvard Gazette on Gen Ed 1200: Justice

This fall marks the return of Gen Ed 1200: Justice: Ethical Reasoning in Polarized Times. Taught by Professor Michael Sandel, this popular course features guided student debate of some of society’s most contested issues, informed by study of classic theories on moral decision-making. Students describe how it has shaped their perspectives and stimulated respectful debate…

Book-Works from Harvard College

Students in the Spring 2023 Gen Ed 1090: What is a Book? From the Clay Tablet to the Kindle display their final creative projects on Monday, October 30 from 4-6pm on the 3rd floor of Lamont Library. Stop by the exhibit opening or check it out over the next few months. Projects on display can be seen below, courtesy…

Spring 2024 Course Selection Advising

Gen Ed will be holding in-person drop-in advising hours at the following times: Advising will take place in the Gen Ed office suite on the 3rd floor at 1414 Massachusetts Avenue. In addition to drop-in advising hours, we are happy to answer questions by email or schedule an individual in-person or Zoom appointment. Please contact *Please note…

Spring 2023 Gen Ed advising

Gen Ed will be holding advising hours on Zoom at the following times in Spring 2023: We’re also happy set up an in-person advising conversation. Please e-mail to set up an appointment….

Exploring the water cycle at the Harvard Art Museums

Students in GENED 1158: Water and the Environment, taught by Kaighin McColl, explore visual and historical representations of the water cycle through visits to the Harvard Art Museums.  Drawing connections across disciplinary boundaries, the course combines scientific concepts and methods with analysis of the impact of water on human societies.  Learn more about McColl’s collaboration with the Harvard Art…

Gen Ed 1033 students publish book on negotiation and conflict resolution

Students in Gen Ed 1033: Conflict Resolution in a Divided World, taught by Daniel Shapiro, have published Understanding Others through Negotiation: A Guide for Students by Students, a practical guide to classroom activities that help students develop healthy and effective negotiation techniques.  The book can be downloaded for free. …