Category: Announcements

Exploring the water cycle at the Harvard Art Museums

Students in GENED 1158: Water and the Environment, taught by Kaighin McColl, explore visual and historical representations of the water cycle through visits to the Harvard Art Museums.  Drawing connections across disciplinary boundaries, the course combines scientific concepts and methods with analysis of the impact of water on human societies.  Learn more about McColl’s collaboration with the Harvard Art…

Gen Ed 1033 students publish book on negotiation and conflict resolution

Students in Gen Ed 1033: Conflict Resolution in a Divided World, taught by Daniel Shapiro, have published Understanding Others through Negotiation: A Guide for Students by Students, a practical guide to classroom activities that help students develop healthy and effective negotiation techniques.  The book can be downloaded for free. …

Fall 2022 Gen Ed advising

Questions about Gen Ed?  Come to our Fall 2022 drop-in advising hours: If these times do not work for you, please contact us at to set up an appointment. In-person advising takes place in the Gen Ed office on fourth floor of the Smith Campus Center….

Join the Gen Ed committee!

The Standing Committee on General Education values student input and is looking to invite undergraduates to join the committee for the 2022-23 academic year. Responsible for the intellectual and pedagogical oversight of the Program in General Education, the committee ordinarily meets every other Wednesday, 9-10:15am during term time. We expect to invite three students to join…

Spring 2022 start-of-term advising

Questions about Gen Ed? We’re happy to talk with you! Please join us at one of our drop-in office hours during registration and the start of classes.  Advising hours will all be online to ensure access for all students. At the start of the Spring 2022 term, advising will take place via Zoom at the following times: If you’re unable…

Weekly drop-in advising hours

We’re happy to talk with you! Please join us at our drop-in advising. Our weekly advising hours are Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00 p.m. while classes are in session. 1:00-2:00 p.m. is dedicated to in-person advising in the Gen Ed office on the fourth floor of the Smith Campus Center. Online advising takes place 2:00-3:00 p.m. via Zoom. If you’re unable to attend…

Live preview sessions for Fall 2021 Gen Ed courses

Live preview sessions for some Gen Ed courses will be offered at the following times.  Please see the course’s Canvas site for Zoom link and more information.  Please note that you may need to add the course to your Crimson Cart in my.harvard to see the information about the preview session on Canvas. Monday, August…