Summer flowers bloom in front of Loeb House.

Harvard Summer School

Learn which courses offered by the Harvard Summer School and Harvard Summer Study Abroad can fulfill Gen Ed requirements.

Background photo of summer blooms in front of Loeb House.

Designated Harvard Summer School (HSS) and Harvard Summer Study Abroad courses may count for General Education. Ordinarily, summer courses count if they are identical to courses that receive General Education credit during the academic year and are taught by the same Harvard faculty members who teach them during the academic year (or by a member of the same department). HSS courses that fulfill Gen Ed requirements do not count for the College’s divisional distribution requirement.

The following Summer 2025 courses count for Gen Ed credit. Please note that no more than one HSS course taught through remote formats may be used to fulfill a General Education requirement.  

Further details about HSS courses can be found in the Harvard Summer School Course Catalog.

On-campus courses

Aesthetics & Culture

Online courses

Aesthetics & Culture

Histories, Societies, Individuals

Science & Technology in Society