Theda Skocpol and Mary Waters
Gen Ed 1092 | Last offered Fall 2024
How do patterns of American economic, political, and social inequality shape our policy responses to working families, immigration, and poverty?
In a period of contentious politics, Americans are debating fundamental issues about economic wellbeing, social justice, and the state of our democracy. How can the nation expand opportunity and security for workers and families following years of rising socioeconomic inequalities and shifts in the relationship of families to work? What is the relationship between rising economic inequality and rising political partisanship? How has ongoing partisan polarization and the design of our political institutions affected U.S. responses to social issues? How do we regulate immigration and citizenship and cope with surges in refugees and asylum seekers? Controversies in these areas are bitter and persistent, and this course will introduce students to the ways the United States has dealt with each set of challenges.