Resources for Instructors
At the Gen Ed office, we are committed to providing Gen Ed faculty and teaching staff comprehensive logistical and administrative support.
Background photo of Stephanie Burt teaching Gen Ed 1165: Superheroes and Power.
Gen Ed courses are supported by Course Coordinators, dedicated Harvard staff members who assist with various administrative aspects of the course including, but not limited to, teaching staff appointments, budget requests, classrooms, field trips and guest speakers, supplies for sections and class, and other course-related logistics. The Course Coordinators, reachable at genedcourses@fas.harvard.edu, serve as the first point of contact for any questions and are a resource for connecting you with other helpful offices around the College. Resources for all Gen Ed Instructors can be found on the Gen Ed Instructors Canvas site.
Additionally, the Bok Center for Teaching and Learning has a team dedicated to supporting Gen Ed faculty and teaching staff. Learn more about the many ways Bok’s Gen Ed team can be of help.
Gen Ed Instructors Canvas Site
The Gen Ed Instructors Canvas site contains a comprehensive array of resources including program policies, pedagogy, information about teaching staff, useful contacts, and much more.
If you have any trouble accessing the site, please let us know at gened_courses@fas.harvard.edu.