Teaching Fellow Opportunities
Background photo of a TF raising her hand and participating in a classroom activity with her smartphone.
Thank you for your interest in the Program in General Education! Gen Ed courses examine enduring questions and urgent concerns, with courses focusing on teaching across disciplines. For this reason, we encourage you to think broadly about opportunities to serve as a TF or TA for Gen Ed courses and to familiarize yourself with each term’s courses on offer. We encourage you to explore these course descriptions and to choose the courses that you are best qualified to teach.
Student enrollments in Gen Ed courses can sometimes be unpredictable, so teaching opportunities may arise over time. Please note that this form is for expressions of interest only and neither constitutes a job application nor advertises open/available positions; you will only be contacted in the event that a course matching your interests and qualifications has a need for staff.
Express Your Interest in Courses
There are two ways you may express your interest in being considered for a Teaching Assistant or Teaching Fellow position for a Gen Ed course:
- You may send an email to genedcourses@fas.harvard.edu that includes the course(s) you’re interested in teaching, along with your CV. If there is available space in a course, our Course Coordinators will forward your information to the course head. Please note that this transaction does not constitute a formal application for teaching.
- If you are a Harvard affiliate, you may apply for currently open positions through the Central Application for Teaching Sections (CATS). Most Gen Ed courses with open positions will appear in CATS; please see below for some hints for using CATS effectively.
Hints for Using CATS
- To find the courses in Gen Ed available for application in CATS, log in to CATS and fill out your profile if prompted. Once you are faced with the courses available for application, click the column-header labeled “Course.” Doing so will sort course numbers alphabetically. Then navigate to the Gen Ed courses (among those starting with ‘G’). Remember that the number of Gen Eds available for application in CATS will increase during and after shopping period.
- To find courses taught by a particular professor, click the column-header labeled “Instructor.” As above: clicking the header will alphabetically sort that field, then scan the alpha list of instructors/professors for the name you are looking for. Note: this may not work if a course is team-taught. Only one professor’s name will show up under “instructor,” and the name that appears may not be the name you’re looking for.
- To search for a word that appears in the course title (not description), type into the “filter” box at upper right.
- Here’s what the words in the status field mean:
- Open for TF applications means that this course is currently hiring
- Open for waitlist applications means the course is seeking applications in case the eventual enrollment generates sections in excess of those presently allocated
- Closed means the course was previously open for applications, but is not accepting applications at this time